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  • WhatsApp Business Solution

Say Hello To Real-Time Personalized Customer Communication With Whatsapp Business Platform

Build stronger customer relationships and engage in programmable two-way dialogues at unparalleled scale and velocity. Nudge WhatsApp Business API facilitates customer engagement across sales, marketing, and support touch points with capability to automate interactions or escalate messages to human agents.

Connect with your Customers In Real-Time – Effortlessly!

Invite real-time interactions with your customers by engaging in two-way communication that brings the intimacy of a phone call while reaching people at scale like eMail or SMS. Keep asking, answering and engaging your customers at no extra cost and no limits – just free flow of communication.
whatsapp platform for business
fully-featured messaging platform through media files, audio & video messages, GIFs, Emojis,  automated Chatbots

Dynamic Capabilities for Deepened Customer Interactions

Go beyond the constraints of conventional texts and emails with a comprehensive and fully-featured messaging platform that delivers delightful customer experience through media files, audio & video messages, GIFs, Emojis, and automated Chatbots.

Upsell, Cross Sell, and Drive More Sales

Power boost your sales game with the perfect tool, “Commerce API for WhatsApp”, to showcase single or multiple products in a visually appealing way. Highlight relevant items from catalogue, share product videos, and allow your customers to add products to the shopping cart or make an immediate purchase.

Churn Results and Track Metrics -Run Awesome Marketing Campaigns

Take your marketing campaigns into high gear with Nudge WhatsApp Solutions and send promotion, offers, alerts, abandonment notifications as well as back-in-store alerts. Check the performance metrics instantly, get insights, and make smart business decisions.

Flexible APIs to Automate and Scale

With WhatsApp Business API, you can automate responses and conversations reaching a large number of customers at once without sacrificing the personal touch. And the best part – you can say goodbye to all the manual processes and welcome efficient & scalable communication while freeing up your team for more pressing tasks.

Pay only once for unlimited conversation in a 24-hours window

User-Initiated Conversation

When a user sends a message, a conversation is initiated and the session remains valid for 24 hours during which multiple messages can be exchanged.

Business-Initiated Conversation

When a business sends the message, a conversation is initiated and unlimited messages can be sent or exchanged within 24 hours.

Nudge WhatsApp Business Platform

Sales, Customer Support and Marketing Teams – Make your life a whole lot easier with an awesome platform that allows you to send bulk messages, broadcasts, and template messages all-in-one place. You can also build “no-code Chatbot” and manage all your customer queries from just one inbox.

WhatsApp for Healthcare

Automate appointment booking and streamline communication with vendors, staffs, and patients for improved healthcare outcomes. Also, offer a personal touch point to patient experience with personalized reminders for follow-ups, prescription refills, appointments and more.

WhatsApp for Banking

Give a super easy banking experience to your customers on WhatsApp. Attend customer inquiries, send account details, transaction history, loan applications and more without breaking a sweat. From credit card renewals to EMI collection and lead generation – do everything on WhatsApp

WhatsApp for FinTech

Improve customer support, streamline payments, and boost your marketing efforts – all with WhatsApp. Attend customer queries on-the-go, send & receive payments within the app, and do marketing reach outs with promotional messages, updates and notifications in real-time.

WhatsApp for EduTech

Keep your students, parents, staff, and other stakeholders engaged and informed on WhatsApp to bring out the best student experience in your organization. Send course updates, class schedules, support remote students, collect fee payments, and establish a more personalized communication system.

WhatsApp for Insurance

Stay on top of your customer’s insurance coverage with WhatsApp that lets you manage policies, reminds you of due date, collect EMIs, schedule auto-debits, attend customer queries, promote new products and everything else in real-time. Premium due dates, offers or policy renewals – you never miss a beat!

WhatsApp for RetailTech

Indulge in a dynamic two-way mobile communication with your customers for increased sales, quick collections, and reduced operational cost. You can also take orders through WhatsApp Chatbot, send personalized recommendations, and guide checkouts for a smoother customer journey.
WhatsApp can be a game changer for your Customer Engagement and support system.
It’s time to go for WhatsApp Business Solution!
From communication to commerce, makes it happen!
Learn more about Nudge WhatsApp Business API from our experts!







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