In today’s digital age, safeguarding customer data is more important than ever. At Tilli Software, we proudly announce our certification in PCI DSS 4.0, the latest and most comprehensive version of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. As a company dealing with card data and payment gateway solutions, we understand security’s critical role in protecting our clients and their customers. Here’s why our certification matters and how it sets us apart.
Since 2005, data breaches have escalated in frequency and scale, compromising billions of consumer records worldwide. The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse has documented over 50,000 breaches from fifteen government sources, highlighting the pervasive nature of these incidents.
In 2023, the United States experienced 3,205 data compromises, affecting over 353 million individuals. The global average data breach cost reached $4.88 million in 2024, marking a 10% increase over the previous year and the highest total ever recorded.
Compliance with PCI DSS remains a critical aspect of securing payment card information. Recent studies indicate that while there has been improvement, compliance rates are still below the peak levels observed in previous years. For instance, in 2020, 43.4% of organizations maintained full compliance, a notable increase from 27.9% in 2019, yet still below the 55.4% peak in 2016. The updated PCI DSS v4.0.1 emphasizes flexibility, allowing organizations to implement security controls more tailored to their specific environments. This approach acknowledges the diverse nature of modern payment infrastructures and the need for adaptable security measures.
Key Features of PCI DSS 4.0
- Enhanced Security Measures: Stronger encryption protocols, multifactor authentication, and advanced monitoring capabilities.
- Increased Flexibility: Tailored approaches to compliance for unique business environments.
- Focus on Risk-Based Practices: Encourages businesses to implement security measures based on their specific risk landscape.
- Stronger Authentication: Greater emphasis on secure access control and user authentication.
- Continuous Compliance: Promotes ongoing monitoring and proactive updates rather than periodic checks.
What Is PCI DSS 4.0? PCI DSS 4.0 represents the next evolution of data security standards. It introduces enhanced requirements to address emerging threats and ensure robust protection for payment card data. These updates emphasize flexibility, transparency, and resilience, aligning with modern payment technologies and practices.
- PCI DSS 4.0 provides more detailed guidance on documentation and maintaining records related to security and compliance.
- A requirement for maintaining a thorough and up-to-date risk assessment and documenting compensating controls.
The Role of Tilli’s Products in Supporting PCI DSS Compliance
Tilli’s innovative solutions like Nudge, tilliX and Monay are designed with data security in mind. They integrate secure payment gateways, facilitate tokenized transactions, and provide multi-channel communication for reminders and alerts, ensuring compliance with PCI DSS while enhancing customer experience. By integrating advanced security features and leveraging automation, we make it easier for businesses to focus on growth while maintaining a robust security framework.
How We Secure Card Data and Payment Processing
- Robust Encryption Standards: All card data is encrypted during storage and transmission, ensuring its safety.
- Advanced Monitoring Systems: Continuous network monitoring to detect and prevent unauthorized access.
- Strict Access Controls: Only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data, backed by multifactor authentication.
- Regular Audits and Updates: Ongoing reviews to ensure compliance with PCI DSS 4.0 requirements and address potential vulnerabilities.
- Secure Payment Processing Solutions: Providing seamless and secure payment processing for businesses of all sizes.
At Tilli Software, we are committed to protecting the integrity of every transaction. Our PCI DSS 4.0 certification reflects our dedication to providing secure, reliable, and future-ready payment solutions. Together, we can build a safer digital payment environment.
Want to learn more about our secure payment solutions or how our PCI DSS 4.0 certification benefits your business? Contact us today and let us help you achieve peace of mind with every transaction.